14 Must-know Diabetic Foot Care Tips

person wearing faded blue jeans

Having diabetes dramatically increases your risk of having foot problems. Poor circulation and nerve damage are some of the common issues. Implementing the right foot care, can keep your feet healthy and maintain a good quality of life. If you have diabetes or you know some one who has diabetes, foot care is very important to practice to prevent complications. Here are some helpful tips on how to take care of your feet.

  1. Ensure that feet are dried properly including between the toes. Diabetes can make it difficult to keep your feet dry. If feet are not dried properly, this can lead to fungal and bacterial infections.
  2. Wash feet in warm water daily. That means daily warm water baths for at least five minutes. Make sure to clean between the toes and gently pat them dry, being sure to get in between the toes. Test the water before washing, to avoid burning yourself.
  3. Avoid walking bare-footed as this can put you at risk for injury to the feet.
  4. Check shoes daily for any potentially harmful objects before wearing them.
  5. Exercise your feet daily to enhance circulation.
  6. If you have lost sensitivity in your feet, check feet daily for any cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, and bruises. It is very important to recognize new problems as soon as possible. Carefully inspect the top and bottom of each foot, including between the toes. Pay attention to any changes or new developments. It’s also recommended that you take a picture of the bottoms of your feet each month so you can monitor any changes.
  7. Keep your appointment for Doctors visit where your feet can be checked for any potential complications. Regular visits to a podiatrist and/or Primary Care Provider are important for overall better health. Regular tests such as HbA1C can help you check your sugar levels and make sure you are doing everything possible for your feet.
  8. Always cut your nails straight across. Cut your toenails only after you have washed your feet. Trim the toenails straight across and don’t pull away from the corners of the toes. Also, do not remove the white softened part of the toenail, as this could cause bleeding and further complications.
  9. If you have corns ot calluses, avoid trimming them. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using any tweezers or other toenail care products, or attempting to cut corns and callouses. Get yearly foot exams, your doctor can help you detect any potential problems with your feet earlier on.
  10. Keep your feet warm and dry, and wear clean dry socks.
  11. Avoid smoking. Smoking constricts the blood vessels, which makes blood flow to your feet even harder.
  12. Wear comfortable shoes. Diabetes can cause nerve damage that can lead to changes in the shape of your foot. Shoes should be comfortable, have adequate back and roomy toe boxes, and have a low heel.
  13. Wear Diabetic safe socks. Made of materials that increase the circulation and provide extra cushioning. Diabetic socks help wick moisture away from the feet, reduce friction, and reduce the risk of rubbing and blisters.
  14. Manage blood sugar levels. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control will help avoid and reduce complications caused by diabetes.

Following the above foot care tips can reduce your risk of long-term complications. Diabetes can definitely effect your foot health, but with proper attention you can still keep your feet healthy and give yourself the best chance at a healthy future.


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